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Amendment of GST Registration – Non Core Fields

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In our previous blogs, we have learnt about – how to change details in GST registration, the difference between core and non-core fields of GST registration and how to amend the core fields of GST registration. In this blog, let us learn how to go about non-core field amendment in GST registration. Non-core fields of GST registration are the fields that do not require approval from an assessing officer and will be auto-updated. For example: Change of address of the business’s promoter/partner, changing the details of the linked bank account, etc.
Let us understand the process of non-core field amendment in GST registration.

How to amend non-core fields in GST registration?

  1. Login to the GST portal.
  2. Click Services> Registration > Amendment of Registration Non – Core Fields.

3. The tabs available for editing are displayed as shown below:

4. Click the relevant tab for the details you want to edit.
You can observe that the tabs of ‘Business details’, ‘Promoter/partners’, ‘Principal place of business’ and ‘Additional place of business’ also appear while amending core fields of registration. While amending non-core fields, only the non-core fields in each of these tabs can be amended, whereas, core fields can be amended only by the process of amendment of core fields, which we had discussed in our previous blog ‘How to amend core fields of GST registration.
For example: Under ‘Promoter/Partners’ tab, the provision to add a partner is an amendment of a core field of registration, which requires approval from an assessing officer, whereas the provision to edit the details of an existing partner is an amendment of a non-core field of registration, which does not require approval of an assessing officer.

  1. To edit the details in any tab, click the ‘Edit’ button.

6. Once the changes have been made, click the ‘Save’ button.

7. Once the required details are edited and saved, the application needs to be verified using Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)/ E-Signature or Electronic verification code (EVC).
For this, click the Verification tab.
a. Tick the Verification checkbox

b. In the Name of Authorized Signatorydrop-down list, select the authorized signatory.
c. In the Place field, enter the name of the place.
d. Select the relevant option to digitally sign the application using Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) or E-Signature or EVC.

On submission of the application for amendment of registration, a message of successful submission of application will be displayed.  You will receive an acknowledgement within 15 minutes on your registered e-mail address and mobile phone number.
Hence, the process of amendment of non-core fields of registration can be done with ease and does not require the approval of an officer.
In our next blog, we will understand in detail how to edit the mobile number and email ID in the GST portal, which is part of the non-core field amendment in GST registration.