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Jobs & Recruitment in Tally.ERP 9

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Access to job portal within Tally.ERP 9
Millions of SMBs (Small and Medium Businesses) across India resort to ineffective methods when they are hiring. What results, most often, is a failure to find the right talent at the right time, thereby possibly impacting their performance.

This built-in feature is designed to shrink the recruitment process and improve the No more inappropriately skilled candidates. No more long waits.


Advantages for Businesses
The Jobs & Recruitment feature puts Tally Certified Professionals within reach of every business running Tally.ERP 9. Not only does it provide businesses with a better choice of recruits from even outside their geographies, but it puts them in control, bringing them never- before value for the salaries they offer, higher productivity, and a reduced recruitment cycle.


  • Wider reach
  • Quicker recruitment
  • Testing to the business standards
  • Ability to compete with larger businesses for candidates

Advantages for Students
A major boost to career is what every student dreams of! This feature allows students to find new opportunities, practice for pre-recruitment testing, and find jobs even in far off places!

Benefits include:

  • Direct contact with employers
  • Resumes accessible by all Tally customers
  • Learning, self-assessment and jobs all in one portal
  • Recruitment preparation to ensure success
  • Skill-mapping