GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) is the identification number given to every person registered under GST. In your business dealings, especially with new suppliers, you may want to verify GSTIN quoted by your supplier. Under GST, as your input credit depends upon your supplier’s compliance, it is important to ensure that the GSTIN quoted by your supplier is genuine. End consumers may also face situations where they doubt the correctness of the GSTIN quoted in a supplier’s invoice and would like to verify the details. In the past, certain cases have also been reported where suppliers who are not registered under GST have mentioned a fake GSTIN in invoices and collected tax. In an earlier blog, we have discussed the structure of GSTIN, which can be a first-level check to ensure that your supplier’s GSTIN is as per the prescribed structure. In addition, for a fool-proof check, the GSTN portal has given a ‘Search Taxpayer’ service, using which you can verify the details of any GSTIN.
To use this service, click here. Alternatively, you can also visit the GST portal, click Search Taxpayer> Search by GSTIN/UIN to use the service.
Enter the GSTIN and the CAPTCHA code as shown below and click Search.
If the GSTIN is genuine, the details will be displayed as shown below:
If the GSTIN is not genuine, you will get an error as shown below:
In case you want to lodge a complaint against a fake GSTIN, the Government has also made available a helpline number 011-23370115 for the same.