Branch Management in Tally.ERP 9

Your Branch Offices Are Just Next Door...!

There is a huge amount of communication, sharing of information and co-ordination required among Head Office, Warehouse, Manufacturing Plant and the Branch Offices. Absence of a proper solution to share information can lead to inefficient, paper based, resource consuming processes.

Tally.ERP 9 eases Branch Management, enabling you to communicate and deliver consistent information. The system allows two way communications thereby reducing paper usage and redundant processes, enhancing efficiency for overall growth.

Important Tally.ERP 9 features for effective Branch Management are:

Branch Management using Remote Access:
Want to have real time access to your Branch offices or Manufacturing plants. This facility gives you an instant one click connect to your different office locations. You can choose to specify which branch company is accessible remotely. You choose which remote users have access; you decide what access a remote user gets.

Central User Management - a boon to Corporate Offices:
Business Users in your organization are spread across different branch offices and manufacturing plants. Users come and go too. You might also have a password policy requiring users to change passwords every few weeks. You can take advantage of the ease of central user and password management and even manage these centrally from your Head office.

Branch Management using Data Synchronisation:
Synchronisation refers to the movement of Business Information between two or more locations say, HO to Branch Office. This enables a Branch Office to send information to the Head Office in a secure way. You may decide to share information on a periodic fashion and set the date & timing. After the Synchronisation has been setup, sharing business information between the locations is just a single click away.

Branch Management through Multi-Company & Consolidation:
Tally.ERP 9 provides its users the facility for creating and maintaining any number of companies. Hence the user can maintain all his companies / Branch companies in Tally.ERP 9. The Tally.ERP 9 user can also handle companies concurrently i.e. the user can open more than one company and simultaneously work on all or any of the companies by shuffling as and when required.

Tally.ERP 9 also allows users to group companies and hence provides a consolidated report for the companies grouped so as to enable the management to analyse the performance of the company at a HO or Group Company level. Any changes done in any one of the branch companies, is updated at the HO. At any point of time a new company could be included in the list of companies of a particular group. Tally.ERP 9 also allows the user to create multiple levels of group companies.